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60 Menteri Asia Pasifik Siap Papar Isu Urbanisasi -

Written By 1papar on Thursday, October 1, 2015 | 12:10 PM

60 Menteri Asia Pasifik Siap Papar Isu Urbanisasi
60 Menteri Asia Pasifik Siap Papar Isu Urbanisasi. Oleh : Arief Bayuaji | Kamis, 1 Oktober 2015 | 23:05 WIB. Berita Terkait. 60 Menteri Asia Pasifik Siap Papar Isu Urbanisasi. INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Asia-Pacific High-level Regional Meeting (HLRM) for ...

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OnePapar Feed

KKCCCI to continue building educational, cultural infrastructures - The Borneo Post

KKCCCI to continue building educational, cultural infrastructures
The Borneo Post
... Putatan Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Datuk Frankie Liew, Papar Chinese Chamber of Commerce president Datuk Liew Siew Kian, Sabah Association of Tour and Travel Agents (SATTA) chairman Dato Seri Winston Liaw, KKCCCI ...

OnePapar Feed

TABLE-Malaysian crude oil OSP for September rises from 6-year low to $50.91/bbl - Reuters Africa

TABLE-Malaysian crude oil OSP for September rises from 6-year low to $50.91/bbl
Reuters Africa
As a result of the change, Tapis Blend was dropped as the key pricing reference to dated Brent due to low liquidity and falling output. Kimanis, a new grade that started production in the fourth quarter of 2014, could be included in the price reference ...

OnePapar Feed

Pillion rider killed in hit and run - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 | 7:20 PM

Pillion rider killed in hit and run
The Borneo Post
KOTA KINABALU: A female motorcycle pillion rider died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) intensive care unit after she was involved in a hit-and-run. Cherlyn Mohd Sah, 23, from Kampung Laut Kinarut, Penampang was pronounced dead by doctors at ...

OnePapar Feed

Invite to Sabahan education grads - Daily Express

Invite to Sabahan education grads
Daily Express
"Education graduates from Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Papar and Tuaran are encouraged to register. This is open to all education graduates from public, private or overseas universities, as long as their degrees are recognised by the Public Service ...

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OnePapar Feed

ITC launches new papar board variety - Hindu Business Line

Written By 1papar on Sunday, September 27, 2015 | 2:48 PM

Hindu Business Line

ITC launches new papar board variety
Hindu Business Line
P.N. Shridhar, Marketing Manager, ITC Limited is lighting up lamp as chief guest of Calcutta Paper Traders' Association's AGM in Kolkata on Saturday. Photo: Ashoke Chakrabarty. Ads by Google. -. Kolkata, Sept 26: ITC Ltd has announced launching of ...

OnePapar Feed

Shell continues stride with deepwater projects - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Saturday, September 26, 2015 | 9:20 AM

The Borneo Post

Shell continues stride with deepwater projects
The Borneo Post
“Oil is transported to the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal onshore at Kimanis, Malaysia via a 200 km-long pipeline,” it said. The Gumusut-Kakap project is a joint venture between Shell (33 per cent, operator), ConocoPhillips Sabah (33 per cent), Petronas ...

OnePapar Feed

ITC launches new papar board variety - Hindu Business Line

ITC launches new papar board variety
Hindu Business Line
ITC Ltd has announced launching of grease-resistant paper boards. At the 97th AGM of Calcutta Paper Traders Association, the paper boards and specialty papers division of the company announced that it developed the foodgrade paper board variety ...

OnePapar Feed

KDM Malaysia contributes hearse and buffaloes to mosque - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Thursday, September 24, 2015 | 9:43 AM

The Borneo Post

KDM Malaysia contributes hearse and buffaloes to mosque
The Borneo Post
Peter presenting a mock key to Nasip for the hearse that is contributed by KDM Malaysia to the Azizurrahman Mosque. PAPAR: The Azizurrahman Mosque in Kimanis received a hearse and two sacrificial buffaloes from Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) Malaysia.

OnePapar Feed

Fake IMM13: Filipino jailed a year - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | 2:06 AM

Fake IMM13: Filipino jailed a year
Daily Express
... Aldin Nadduha, Nuryatim Sukarjayatri Sudin, Karulina Tamahuggo, Nazra Kali and Kalmah Maruzi, aged between 18 and 52, who admitted to committing the offence at separate locations in Penampang, Ranau, Papar and here between Sept 9 and 19.

OnePapar Feed

RM2.3b for 81 Sabah power projects - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 | 5:17 AM

The Rakyat Post

RM2.3b for 81 Sabah power projects
Daily Express
KIMANIS: A total of RM2.3 billion in direct funds and grants will be allocated through the Sabah Special Project and Delivery Unit (Sapadu) for the implementation of 81 power-related projects in the State for the next five years. "These projects ...
Gigawatt solar plants expected before 2020 The Rakyat Post

all 2 news articles »

OnePapar Feed

Tourism: No cut back on budget, efforts - Daily Express

Tourism: No cut back on budget, efforts
Daily Express
The Sabah Voluntourism Packages include the Kiulu Valley Community Development Programme, Rumah Tanak Tanak Papar Children Home Development, Sea Turtle Conservation Programme at Turtle Island Park, Sandakan, Rainforest Carbon Offset ...

OnePapar Feed

Asian Pac to launch maiden township in 2017 - The Malaysian Reserve

Written By 1papar on Monday, September 21, 2015 | 8:17 PM

Asian Pac to launch maiden township in 2017
The Malaysian Reserve
We also have landbank in Kinarut and Kundasang, but those areas are not as active as KK,” he said. Mustapha said property development is expected to contribute to about 70% to the company's earnings while the remaining 30% would come from recurring ...

OnePapar Feed

Gigawatt solar plants expected before 2020 - The Rakyat Post

The Rakyat Post

Gigawatt solar plants expected before 2020
The Rakyat Post
“This is to promote the achievement of a 10% renewable energy production by 2025,” he said after opening the Kimanis Power Plant and the 132kV distribution system yesterday. He said solar utilities in Sabah can generate between 5MW and 20MW from ...

OnePapar Feed

Manfaat berjanggut di dunia hingga akhirat kelak

Oleh Umma Azura

BAGI seorang muslim yang menjadi pengusung sunnah, memelihara janggut merupakan salah satu wujud ketaatan kepada Allah Ta'ala dan Rasul-Nya.

Sebab dengan ketaatan, seorang muslim mengharap redha dan cinta Rabb-Nya. Dan dengan redha dan cinta dari Pemilik hidup, maka bahagialah hidup ini.

Berjanggut bukanlah perkara baru. Sunnah Nabi ini telah dikenal dan dilaksanakan kaum muslim dari masa ke masa. Hadis tentang sunnah Nabi ini juga banyak bertebaran.

Meski di kekinian berjanggut seringkali mendapat cap buruk semisal pengganas, fanatik dan sebagainya. Namun ternyata, beberapa kajian terbaru justeru mencari fakta menarik memelihara janggut. Bagi lelaki yang memelihara janggut ada beberapa manfaat luar biasa iaitu:

1. Janggut pelindung paparan Ultraviolet

Dari hasil penelitian University Of Southern Queensland, janggut ternyata mampu melindungi 95 peratus kulit wajah yang terdedah terpapar sinar UV. Dengan begitu, janggut bermanfaat mencegah risiko terjadinya kanser kulit.

2. Janggut menghalang proses penuaan pada kulit

Kulit yang tertutup janggut, akan kelihatan lebih muda. Rambut pada kulit akan membuat aliran air berhenti lebih lama, sehingga kulit akan terjaga kelembabannya.

Sebagaimana kita tahu, kebanyakan lelaki tak terlalu senang menggunakan pelembab, krim apalagi bedak.

Di samping itu, janggut melindungi kulit dari terpaan angin penyebab kulit kering juga dari debu dan kotoran yang terbawa angin penyebab kulit kusam.

3. Janggut, menjadi perangkap sumber alergi

Janggut sama fungsinya seperti rambut dalam hidung, yang berfungsi menangkap kekotoran dan sumber pencemaran yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh.

Dengan fungsinya sebagai penahan debu juga bahan pencemar ini, janggut bermanfaat mencegah terjadinya penyakit asma.

4. Janggut, mempercepatkan penyembuhan penyakit selesema dan batuk

Suhu sejuk seringkali mempengaruhi timbulnya selsema, batuk dan selesema.

Janggut tebal di bawah dagu dan leher sangat membantu menjaga suhu pada leher tetap hangat, sehingga akan membantu penyembuhan pelbagai penyakit sindrom sejuk tersebut.

5. Janggut, membuat lelaki lebih menarik dan maskulin

Hasil penyelidikan yang diterbitkan evalution and human behavior, menyebutkan lelaki berjanggut dianggap lebih maskulin dan lebih menarik di mata wanita.

Begitulah sebalik setiap perintah Allah Taala selalu ada hikmah dan manfaat untuk manusia.

Namun, yang terpenting meski memelihara janggut banyak manfaatnya dari segi kesihatan, hendaklah perbuatan itu dilakukan semata-mata kerana mengharapkan pahala dan redha Allah Ta'ala. Sehingga manfaat yang didapatkan kekal hingga di akhirat kelak.

OnePapar Feed

'Electricity supply projects must go through Ministry' - The Rakyat Post

The Rakyat Post

'Electricity supply projects must go through Ministry'
The Rakyat Post
Speaking at the launching of the Kimanis main Intake Substation and 132 kilovolts (kV) transmission line, Ongkili added that it was vital to ensure that infrastructure and development projects are executed smoothly to help beef up power supplies in Sabah.

OnePapar Feed

When the Pan Borneo Highway is ready: 'Labuan will be a big loser without bridge' - Daily Express

When the Pan Borneo Highway is ready: 'Labuan will be a big loser without bridge'
Daily Express
The bridge is estimated to cost around RM27 billion (Malaysian section) running a length of 2083km from Sematan in Sarawak and ending in Serudong, Sabah. In Sabah, it passes through Weston, Keningau, Papar, KK, Kota Belud, Sandakan, Tawau Lumut, ...

OnePapar Feed

P'pang folks upset road not completed - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Saturday, September 19, 2015 | 2:40 AM

P'pang folks upset road not completed
Daily Express
Does it have anything to do it with the proposed Kaiduan Dam which is objected to by those residing in the Ulu Papar area?" He believed that their current situation is connected with the dam as he claimed to have heard the villagers of Kg Buayan being ...

OnePapar Feed

Community work for product offences - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Friday, September 18, 2015 | 2:35 AM

Community work for product offences
Daily Express
They were arrested at the city, Papar and Penampang early this month. The offence under Section 6(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963 provides for a fine of up to RM10, 000 or a jail term of up to five years or whipping, on conviction. After serving ...

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OnePapar Feed

David Teo papar wajah bayi Lisa-Yusry menerusi Instragram - Berita Harian

Written By 1papar on Thursday, September 17, 2015 | 9:35 PM

David Teo papar wajah bayi Lisa-Yusry menerusi Instragram
Berita Harian
KUALA LUMPUR: Pemilik syarikat perfileman Metrowealth, David Teo memuat naik gambar puteri sulung Lisa Surihani dan Yusry Abdul Halim pada akaun Instagram miliknya. Bagaimanapun wajah anak pasangan berkenaan hanya dapat dilihat pada posisi ...

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