February 2013 - Papar Sabah 2U Malaysia : Bersatu ke arah kemajuan dangsanak
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Foreign Ministry in the dark on Lahad Datu? - Free Malaysia Today

Written By 1papar on Thursday, February 28, 2013 | 8:25 PM

Foreign Ministry in the dark on Lahad Datu?

Free Malaysia Today

When contacted Anifah, who is also Kimanis MP, also said that the matter must to be referred to the Home Ministry. “It's being handled internally by the Home Ministry,” he said. On the negotiations with his Filipino counterpart, Anifah said, “It's handled by the ...

OnePapar Feed

Anti-LGBT musical in Malaysia sparks anger - Bikyanews.com

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 | 7:40 PM

Anti-LGBT musical in Malaysia sparks anger


Another delegate, Ariffin Mohd Arif from Kimanis, called for an official sanction against those who spread pluralism and liberalism, which he called a “teaching of the Devil.” “Just like al-Arqam … we must take action against these people. Our actions ...

OnePapar Feed

Ex-civil servants express concern on court ruling - The Borneo Post

Ex-civil servants express concern on court ruling

The Borneo Post

... Hj Amde Sidek (SAPP deputy president leading the press conference), Nazib Maidan Dally, Tahir bin Dahu (aged 65, ex-JASA Penerangan, Tawau), Stanis Siap (aged 67, ex-medical department, Penampang), and Jamil William Core ( aged 49, Kimanis).

OnePapar Feed

Opposition's manifesto continues to draw flak? - Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia Chronicle

Opposition's manifesto continues to draw flak?

Malaysia Chronicle

Meanwhile in Papar, Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the launch of the manifesto was actually a “publicity stunt” to divert attention from issues affecting the opposition coalition. "It also aims to divert public attention from ...

OnePapar Feed

Opposition's manifesto continues to draw flaks - New Straits Times

Opposition's manifesto continues to draw flaks

New Straits Times

Meanwhile in Papar, Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the launch of the manifesto was actually a “publicity stunt” to divert attention from issues affecting the opposition coalition. "It also aims to divert public attention from ...

OnePapar Feed

163 SPF members join STAR, 18400 to follow suit - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Sunday, February 24, 2013 | 4:48 PM

163 SPF members join STAR, 18400 to follow suit

The Borneo Post

The 163 who filled up and submitted STAR membership forms at the venue were led by Joseph Lusin Balangan, the former SPF treasurer general who was also the chief co-ordinator for Papar parliamentary constituency and Kawang state constituency; Jefry ...

OnePapar Feed

Timpu's will to succeed - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Saturday, February 23, 2013 | 4:48 PM

The Borneo Post

Timpu's will to succeed

The Borneo Post

Now working with Beringgis Beach Resort in Papar as a head chef, Timpu's specialities are many and varied and he is especially proud of his creations — honey lamb, orange glazed chicken and fruit cupcake cocktails. On his career as a chef, he said ...

OnePapar Feed

Transition to data and broadband - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Friday, February 22, 2013 | 4:40 PM

Transition to data and broadband

The Star Online

The RAN system that will be built aims to provide voice and data connectivity in the interior of Sabah namely in Tongod, Lahad Datu, Beluran, Kinabatangan, Beaufort, Kuala Penyu, Papar, Sipitang and Tenom. Kenanga Research considered the three-year ...

OnePapar Feed

Opportunities aplenty in industrial properties - New Straits Times

Written By 1papar on Thursday, February 21, 2013 | 4:25 PM

Opportunities aplenty in industrial properties

New Straits Times

... foreign investors in various sectors for flagship projects in SDC including the POIC (Palm Oil Industrial Cluster) in Lahad Datu and Sandakan, Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre (KILC) and Sabah Agro-Industrial Precinct (SAIP) at Kimanis (see ...

OnePapar Feed

Siapa Z di hati Julia?

Written By 1papar on Monday, February 18, 2013 | 2:10 PM

Jika artis lain selesa berbicara soal cinta, malah ada yang tidak kisah aksi mesra bersama kekasih dipaparkan, lain pula keadaannya dengan pelakon seksi, Julia Ziegler, 29.

OnePapar Feed

BN unshakeable in Sabah - New Straits Times

Written By 1papar on Friday, February 15, 2013 | 4:10 PM

BN unshakeable in Sabah

New Straits Times

With the enhancement of the "political will", the waiting period might come sooner than expected and democracy building efforts would have reached greater heights. . Barisan Nasional supporters at a function in Papar, Sabah. Rapid economic development ...

OnePapar Feed

PM says Parliament will be dissolved when all quarters are ready - The Malaysian Reserve

Written By 1papar on Thursday, February 14, 2013 | 9:40 PM

PM says Parliament will be dissolved when all quarters are ready

The Malaysian Reserve

We want the people to understand that a vote for BN is a vote for the country's transformation agenda and a vote for peace and stability for a brighter future,” he told reporters after attending the people's gathering at padang pekan in Papar yesterday ...

OnePapar Feed

Senarai calon BN hampir lengkap: PM

Papar: Datuk Seri Najib Razak semalam berkata, Barisan Nasional (BN) hampir melengkapkan senarai calon Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).

OnePapar Feed

Najib: Govt to resolve intrusion without any bloodshed - The Borneo Post

Najib: Govt to resolve intrusion without any bloodshed

The Borneo Post

PAPAR: The government will do its best to resolve the intrusion of a group of Filipino men into Lahad Datu amicably to prevent any bloodshed, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Describing the situation in the east coast of Sabah as under control, the ...

OnePapar Feed

KDM Malaysia Idol, CNY open house in Keningau tomorrow - The Borneo Post

KDM Malaysia Idol, CNY open house in Keningau tomorrow

The Borneo Post

After Keningau, the audition will be held at community halls in Ranau (Feb 23), Pitas (March 2), Tamparuli (March 9), Papar (March 16) and Beaufort (March 26) before the final destination at Buhavan Square, Penampang, on March 30. KDM Malaysia Idol is ...

OnePapar Feed

Bubar Parlimen Bila Semua Sedia - PM

PAPAR: Pembubaran Parlimen hanya akan dibuat apabila semua pihak termasuk rakyat bersedia menghadapi pilihan raya umum, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

OnePapar Feed


PAPAR, 14 Feb (Bernama) -- Pembubaran Parlimen hanya akan dibuat apabilasemua pihak termasuk rakyat bersedia menghadapi pilihan raya umum, kata PerdanaMenteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak."Parlimen akan dibubarkan apabila saya sedia dan bila rakyat dahsedia...sekarang ini tugas saya turun padang menerangkan dasar dan hala tujuyang dibawa oleh kerajaan BN (Barisan Nasional)."Kita mahu rakyat faham ...

OnePapar Feed

NSSO data not necessarily helps reach right conclusion: Montek Singh Ahluwalia - Economic Times

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | 11:55 PM

NSSO data not necessarily helps reach right conclusion: Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Economic Times

Citing the example of "Lizzat Papar", he suggested that the success of such ventures was possible before globalisation and now women is better skilled to take new jobs. On the issue of women empowerment he said, "as far as government policy on the ...

OnePapar Feed

PM Approves RM226 Million Allocation To Build Beaufort Water Treatment Plant - Bernama

PM Approves RM226 Million Allocation To Build Beaufort Water Treatment Plant


"The opposition is daydreaming if they think they can wrest Beaufort, Papar, Kimanis and Tuaran. They want capture all, but Sabah remains with the BN," he said to a thunderous applause from the crowd. The Beaufort parliamentary seat is held by former ...

OnePapar Feed

Rosnah: There is no political tsunami in Sabah - The Malaysian Insider

The Malaysian Insider

Rosnah: There is no political tsunami in Sabah

The Malaysian Insider

On the opposition's strident claims that the Beaufort, Papar and Tuaran parliamentary seats were already in their hands, Rosnah was confident that BN would be able to retain these three seats in the upcoming general election. “Puteri Umno will work ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 | 9:25 PM

KOTA KINABALU, 13 Feb (Bernama) -- Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakinBarisan Nasional (BN) dapat mempertahan kerusi Parlimen Beaufort, Papar danTuaran pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.Sambil menangkis kempen yang dilaung pakatan pembangkang kononnyaketiga-tiga kerusi parlimen itu dalam genggaman mereka, beliau berkata majoritirakyat Sabah menyokong kerajaan BN pimpinan Perdana Menteri ...

OnePapar Feed

Foreigner killed, wife in critical condition after attack by group - The Borneo Post

Foreigner killed, wife in critical condition after attack by group

The Borneo Post

PAPAR: A foreigner was killed while his wife sustained serious injuries and is presently in critical condition at the district hospital after they were attacked by a group of people at a beach at Kampung Pengalat Besar, here on Sunday. Nani Mansi, 31 ...

OnePapar Feed

Work together for more progress: CM - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Monday, February 11, 2013 | 10:48 PM

Work together for more progress: CM

Daily Express

He said this is evident through the establishment of relevant learning centres at the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park, the Sandakan Education Hub and the Kimanis Petroleum Training Centre. "It is not only timely development programmes that the Government ...

OnePapar Feed

Najib enters last round in race to win the hearts of voters - AsiaOne


Najib enters last round in race to win the hearts of voters


He will head to Sabah for a two-day visit beginning tomorrow, where he is expected to have a closed-door session with state Barisan Nasional leaders before attending programmes in Beaufort, Papar and Tuaran on Thursday. On Friday, Najib will be in Ipoh ...

OnePapar Feed

Paparazzi pics of Tyrone and Kirsty's court case - Coronation Street Blog (blog)

Coronation Street Blog (blog)

Paparazzi pics of Tyrone and Kirsty's court case

Coronation Street Blog (blog)

There's paparazzi pics at The Mail online showing Kirsty and Tyrone's court case being filmed. The Mail says that Coronation Street have filmed two endings to Tyrone's court case - one with Kirsty getting banged up for bashing Ty, and the other with ...

OnePapar Feed

Man dies in attack after cab ride - New Straits Times

Written By 1papar on Saturday, February 9, 2013 | 4:25 PM

Man dies in attack after cab ride

New Straits Times

Instead, the cabbie took them to Papar and stopped by the beach near Kampung Pengalat Besar at Jalan Sekayan where a group of men alighted from another car that was tailing them. An argument broke out and there was a struggle between the couple and ...

OnePapar Feed

PKR Penampang Wanita not affected by mass resignations - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Friday, February 8, 2013 | 4:10 PM

PKR Penampang Wanita not affected by mass resignations

The Borneo Post

... PKR Penampang division women's movement for about six years. She was first elected as the Wanita chief in 2007 and re-elected in 2010. She was also the PKR Sabah Women election director and chief of the Penampang, Putatan and Papar division.

OnePapar Feed

Malaysia LGBT say intolerance against Islam - Bikyanews.com

Written By 1papar on Thursday, February 7, 2013 | 7:40 PM

Malaysia LGBT say intolerance against Islam


Another delegate, Ariffin Mohd Arif from Kimanis, called for an official sanction against those who spread pluralism and liberalism, which he called a “teaching of the Devil.” “Just like al-Arqam … we must take action against these people. Our actions ...

OnePapar Feed

Kimanis, au service des plus nécessiteux - RTL.be

Kimanis, au service des plus nécessiteux


Dans cette période de crise et de grands froids, de nombreuses familles reconnaissent avoir de plus en plus de mal à vivre décemment. Pour tenter d'améliorer le quotidien de ces personnes, des associations telles que Kiwanis se mobilisent pour venir en ...

OnePapar Feed

Music has healing properties - gulfnews.com

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | 7:05 PM


Music has healing properties


For example, if we have to fold a piece of papar into the shape of a plane in a limited amount of time, we use spatial reasoning to go forward. Should we fold the left corner first or the right? Dealing with the range of options and deciding which one ...

OnePapar Feed

Lethal attacking duo - New Straits Times

Lethal attacking duo

New Straits Times

The Bongawan-born player was initially hesitant to accept the invitation to play for Tigers 'A' as he wanted to fulfil his contract with Sabah until 2014 but later agreed to do so after being coaxed by national youth coach Ong Kim Swee. "Yes, I was ...

OnePapar Feed

Teacher among two killed in crash - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Sunday, February 3, 2013 | 3:00 PM

Teacher among two killed in crash

The Borneo Post

The victim, who was believed to be on the way to Kinarut when the accident happened around 4.30am, was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital by the Civil Defence Department personnel. In yet another accident, a Perodua Kembara collided with a Proton ...

OnePapar Feed

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