October 2013 - Papar Sabah 2U Malaysia : Bersatu ke arah kemajuan dangsanak
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Written By 1papar on Thursday, October 31, 2013 | 8:18 AM

PAPAR, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Petronas diminta terus mengutamakan penduduksetempat bagi mengisi peluang pekerjaan yang diwujudkan dalam projek Sabah Oil &Gas Terminal (SOGT) di Kimanis.Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Pantai Manis Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail berkatalangkah itu wajar kerana kebanyakan kawasan yang terbabit dalam SOGT merupakanzon tangkapan nelayan.Tawaran kerja di SOGT akan memberi ...

OnePapar Feed

Zaboravite sol i papar, slanina je začin uz koji je sve ukusnije - 24sata

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 | 1:34 AM


Zaboravite sol i papar, slanina je začin uz koji je sve ukusnije


Zaboravite sol i papar, slanina je začin uz koji je sve ukusnije. Dodavanje slanine u bilo koje jelo popravit će okus, uz izuzetak nekih vrsta jela s tjesteninom i deserata. Ljubitelji kuhanja priznaju da je koriste u većini jela. Srijeda, 30. 10. 2013 ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 | 3:22 PM

PAPAR, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Petronas diminta terus mengutamakan penduduksetempat bagi mengisi peluang pekerjaan yang diwujudkan dalam projek Sabah Oil &Gas Terminal (SOGT) di Kimanis.Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Pantai Manis Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail berkatalangkah itu wajar kerana kebanyakan kawasan yang terbabit dalam SOGT merupakanzon tangkapan nelayan.Tawaran kerja di SOGT akan memberi ...

OnePapar Feed


PAPAR, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Petronas diminta terus mengutamakan penduduksetempat bagi mengisi peluang pekerjaan yang diwujudkan dalam projek Sabah Oil &Gas Terminal (SOGT) di Kimanis.Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Pantai Manis Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail berkatalangkah itu wajar kerana kebanyakan kawasan yang terbabit dalam SOGT merupakanzon tangkapan nelayan.Tawaran kerja di SOGT akan memberi ...

OnePapar Feed

Petronas sets new OSP for Malaysian crude oil, effective January - Platts

Written By 1papar on Thursday, October 24, 2013 | 9:18 PM

Petronas sets new OSP for Malaysian crude oil, effective January


It applies to cargoes supplied by Petco, Petronas' trading arm. The new OSP is based on the Labuan, Miri Light and Kikeh grades, but will eventually include the Kimanis grade when it gets marketed around the first quarter of 2014. It has the following ...

OnePapar Feed

Petronas to add new new monthly official selling price - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 | 4:49 PM

Petronas to add new new monthly official selling price

The Star Online

The Kimanis crude will be added later on. The company said the Tapis blend, Bintulu and Dulang crudes would continue to have their own OSP reported on a monthly basis. Petronas said that it will continue pricing all its Malaysian crude oil against the ...

OnePapar Feed

Youth denies possessing porno DVDs - The Borneo Post

Youth denies possessing porno DVDs

The Borneo Post

Oscar was arrested with an expired pass on October 19 this year at Kampung Likas near here while Jessa was caught for a similar offence on October 17 this year at Jalan Papar, Beaufort. In another case, Azreena sentenced Faisal Haimi, 27, to four ...

OnePapar Feed


KUALA LUMPUR, 23 Okt (Bernama) -- Syarikat minyak nasional, Petronas, akanmelaksanakan Harga Jualan Rasmi baharu minyak mentah Malaysia berasaskan kepadasekumpulan minyak mentah Malaysia, iaitu Labuan, Miri light dan Kikeh, berkuatkuasa pada 1 Jan, 2014."Juga dibayangkan bahawa kumpulan minyak mentah ini akan termasuk minyakmentah Kimanis di masa depan," kata syarikat itu dalam satu kenyataan ...

OnePapar Feed



4-traders (press release)

It is also envisaged that this crude basket shall include Kimanis crude oil in the future. Tapis Blend, Bintulu and Dulang crude oil will continue to have their own OSP, which will continue to be reported on a monthly basis. PETRONAS will continued ...

OnePapar Feed

Teenager beaten, stripped - Times of India

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 | 2:34 PM

Teenager beaten, stripped

Times of India

"He (the victim) stated that when he went to deliver the bike near Papar Walley Hanumanji temple area to one Avadhesh(19) and Sahil(18). Both the accused alleged that the teenager has actually stolen their bike and started beating him black and blue.

OnePapar Feed

14 inmates escape from Henry Gurney school in Sabah - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Sunday, October 20, 2013 | 4:19 AM

14 inmates escape from Henry Gurney school in Sabah

The Star Online

“An alert was sent out almost immediately and police have set up road blocks along the borders here up to Tenom, Ranau, Sipitang, Papar, and Tawau,” he said. “So far police have recaptured three of them not far from the school,” DSP Robert said. He ...

OnePapar Feed

Talisman Malaysia donates RM55,000 to five welfare homes - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Saturday, October 19, 2013 | 10:35 AM

Talisman Malaysia donates RM55,000 to five welfare homes

The Borneo Post

In the area of safety, Talisman Malaysia had, in April launched its safety campaign aimed at primary school children, he said, adding that more than 2,500 primary school children from Papar, Kuala Penyu, Beaufort and Sipitang will benefit from the ...

OnePapar Feed

Anifah retains Kimanis chief post - New Straits Times

Written By 1papar on Thursday, October 17, 2013 | 4:49 PM

Anifah retains Kimanis chief post

New Straits Times

KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Seri Anifah Aman appears to have retained his post as Kimanis Umno division chief without any contest. No official confirmation has been given, but his sole challenger, Matli Ayub, confirmed that he had been sacked by the party.

OnePapar Feed

Pemilihan UMNO: Anifah, Zainal Abidin menang

Kota Kinabalu: Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, mengekalkan jawatannya sebagai Ketua UMNO bahagian Kimanis, apabila pencabarnya hilang kelayakan bertanding selepas dipecat keahliannya daripada UMNO.

OnePapar Feed

Budak Berusia 14 Tahun Maut Dalam Kemalangan Tragis

KOTA KINABALU: Sekumpulan remaja yang keluar bersiar-siar bertukar tragis apabila kenderaan yang mereka naiki terbalik berhampiran Papar, mengakibatkan kematian seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 14 tahun.

OnePapar Feed

14-year-old boy dies in tragic joyride - The Star Online

14-year-old boy dies in tragic joyride

The Star Online

KOTA KINABALU: An outing by a group of teenagers turned tragic when the vehicle they were travelling in overturned near Papar, resulting in the death of a 14-year-old boy. At the wheel of the car was a 16-year-old boy, who did not possess a driving ...

OnePapar Feed

Firm to file fresh suit against Rosnah - The Star Online

Firm to file fresh suit against Rosnah

The Star Online

The company said Rosnah, who is Papar MP, had met it's managing director, Nor Dalina Ibrahim at the Health Ministry in Putrajaya in June, 2010 and had allegedly asked the company to carry out an event known as Karnival Sihat 3S in her constituency.

OnePapar Feed


KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Okt (Bernama) -- Sebuah syarikat pengurusan majlis hari inimenarik balik saman berjumlah RM1.98 juta yang difailkan terhadap TimbalanMenteri Kerja Raya Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin berhubung Karnival Sihat3S di kawasan Parlimen Papar di Sabah, dua tahun lepas.Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datin Yeoh Wee Siam membenarkan permohonan UniversalCredential Sdn Bhd bagi menarik balik ...

OnePapar Feed

Juffry will jump at Cebagoo offer - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 | 9:26 AM

Juffry will jump at Cebagoo offer

Daily Express

The player was invited by the Sepangar based club side to play in a friendly against Papar selection at the Yayasan football field on Monday where he netted a goal in their 3-0 win. He said Cebagoo FC are a very tight and great club side and he would ...

OnePapar Feed

Juffry will jump at Cebagoo offer - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 | 10:19 PM

Juffry will jump at Cebagoo offer

Daily Express

The player was invited by the Sepangar based club side to play in a friendly against Papar selection at the Yayasan football field on Monday where he netted a goal in their 3-0 win. He said Cebagoo FC are a very tight and great club side and he would ...

OnePapar Feed

SESB auxiliary cop killed in accident - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Saturday, October 12, 2013 | 11:20 AM

SESB auxiliary cop killed in accident

The Borneo Post

Jass Azvy Jasly, 29, from Beringgis, Papar, died at the scene while the driver abandoned the vehicle there in the 12.30am incident. City police chief ACP Jauteh Dikun said initial police investigation showed that both the victim and the vehicle were ...

OnePapar Feed

Muzium nabi papar kehidupan di zaman Rasulullah - Sinarharian

Muzium nabi papar kehidupan di zaman Rasulullah


Bancian Sinar. Muzium nabi papar kehidupan di zaman Rasulullah. menara makkah. < 1 / >. MAKKAH - ARAB SAUDI. Ketika berada di Kota Suci ini, pengunjung perlu melawat sebuah muzium yang mempamer kehidupan di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW.

OnePapar Feed

Sabah Mufti to face native court - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 | 7:20 PM

Sabah Mufti to face native court

The Star Online

He cited the book The Pagans of North Borneo by Owen Rutter in 1929 that stated a Dusun usually describes himself generically as a tulun tindal (landsman) or, on the west coast of the state, particularly at Papar, as a Kadazan. Rutter worked in North ...

OnePapar Feed

KSS lodges summons in Native Court against mufti - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Monday, October 7, 2013 | 4:50 PM

KSS lodges summons in Native Court against mufti

The Borneo Post

The book “The Pagans Of North Borneo”, written by Owen Rutter and published in 1929, said on page 31 that “The Dusun usually describes himself generically as a 'tulun tindal' (landsman) or, on the west coast, particularly at Papar, as a Kadazan ...

OnePapar Feed

Thais win U-13 Borneo Cup title - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Sunday, October 6, 2013 | 12:34 AM

Thais win U-13 Borneo Cup title

Daily Express

Earlier in the semifinals they overwhelmed Tabs 5-0 while DPM defeated Safa Sipitang 2-0. Third place went to Tabs who edged Safa Sipitang 3-2 and defending champion SK Likas had to settle for fifth place with a 3-0 win over Safa Papar in the playoff.

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Friday, October 4, 2013 | 3:05 AM

BINTULU, 4 Okt (Bernama) -- Saluran Paip Gas Sabah-Sarawak (SSGP) yangbernilai RM4.6 bilion akan mula mengangkut gas dari Kimanis, Sabah ke kompleksgas asli cecair (LNG) di Bintulu, Sarawak pada Januari 2014.Pengarah Urusan dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MNLG Group Zakaria Kasah berkatapembinaan saluran paip sepanjang 512 kilometer itu berjalan lancar dan kini diperingkat akhir pelaksanaan. ...

OnePapar Feed

Super zdrave namirnice: Crni čaj, papar i leća - Glas Slavonije

Written By 1papar on Thursday, October 3, 2013 | 1:19 AM

Super zdrave namirnice: Crni čaj, papar i leća

Glas Slavonije

Hrana obojena u dugine boje i organski uzgojena, postala je temeljni kamen dijeta za održanje zdravlja. Najpoznatiji antioksidansi do sada su bili vezivani za organski uzgojenu hranu jarkih boja, ali koliko ljudi zna da su crno ili tamno obojene ...

OnePapar Feed

Food poisoning victims take exam in hospitals - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 | 4:22 PM

Food poisoning victims take exam in hospitals

The Star Online

Izwanizam sat for the examination at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital after falling from a moving train on his way to Kimanis on Sept 29. The SMK Agama Limauan Kimanis student said he was heading to school in the train when he fell. “I do not really ...

OnePapar Feed

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