April 2013 - Papar Sabah 2U Malaysia : Bersatu ke arah kemajuan dangsanak
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Sabah Blog Update 24-7
Sabah Blog Update 24-7

Police, army cast their votes today - Sin Chew Jit Poh

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 | 9:48 PM

Police, army cast their votes today

Sin Chew Jit Poh

"We are satisfied with the voting process which was held until 7pm," he told reporters after visiting the polling centre at Lok Kawi Camp 5th Brigade Basein Papar, where 1,950 security personnel and their spouses cast their votes. In PENANG, police ...

OnePapar Feed

Stay of execution allowed for deposit-taking firm and its two directors - The Borneo Post

Stay of execution allowed for deposit-taking firm and its two directors

The Borneo Post

The three charges stated that the company, Awang Binting and Awang Ajis had illegally received deposits from the public between April 15, 2008 and Jan 13, 2010 at Lot 14, Block C, Papar Century Plaza in Papar. Deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Uma Devi ...

OnePapar Feed

Security Force Personnel Receives Sovereignty Medal - Bernama

Written By 1papar on Monday, April 29, 2013 | 7:51 AM

Security Force Personnel Receives Sovereignty Medal


Corporal Mohamad Riduan Kasim from Battalion 16 of the General Operations Force at the Kinarut Camp near here recalled how he and his other team members had to lie down on the ground to sleep after a challenging day at Kampung Tandou in Lahad ...

OnePapar Feed


PAPAR, 29 April (Bernama) -- "Saya bersama jentera parti akan terusberjuang sehingga ke peringkat akhir dan akan berjumpa pengundi seramai yangboleh untuk memastikan kemenangan BN".Itu adalah janji dan azam calon Barisan Nasional (BN) kawasan Parlimen Papar Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin yang yakin dapat mempertahankan kerusiparlimen itu pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 Ahad ini. ...

OnePapar Feed

Police stand by Zahid over '35 dead intruders' - Malaysia Kini

Written By 1papar on Sunday, April 28, 2013 | 9:10 PM

Police stand by Zahid over '35 dead intruders'

Malaysia Kini

Only ask me about what happens in Sabah,” he said at Dewan Masyarakat Papar. Hamza was asked by reporters about the denial by the Philippines Navy that it had shot dead 35 members of the self-styled Sulu army, as claimed by caretaker Defence ...

OnePapar Feed

GE13: Candidates make sure volunteers are well fed - The Star Online - The Star Online

GE13: Candidates make sure volunteers are well fed - The Star Online

The Star Online

Chance to socialise: Volunteers savouring ambuyat, grilled fish and other traditional delicacies at the Barisan election operations centre in Papar, Kota Kinabalu. Volunteers are just as important as voters during the general election, thanks to the ...

OnePapar Feed

Probe Yahya over the claims of kickbacks: NGO - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Saturday, April 27, 2013 | 9:48 PM

Probe Yahya over the claims of kickbacks: NGO

Daily Express

Kota Kinabalu: Pakatan NGO Pro Barisan Nasional (BN) wants the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) to investigate allegations in a web portal concerning Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Papar parliamentary candidate Datuk Yahya Lampong.

OnePapar Feed

The incident that changed Sabah - Free Malaysia Today

Free Malaysia Today

The incident that changed Sabah

Free Malaysia Today

In the 2008 general election he stood as an independent candidate against the Barisan Nasional's Anifah Aman in Kimanis after he saw that the younger brother of the chief minister Musa Aman was ineffectual in improving the quality of life of the people ...

OnePapar Feed

RM70m clinical block for Papar hosp - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Thursday, April 25, 2013 | 11:48 PM

RM70m clinical block for Papar hosp

Daily Express

Papar: The locals here will be enjoying better health services when a RM70 million five-storey clinical block is built for the district hospital here. Caretaker Health Deputy Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, who disclosed this, said this ...

OnePapar Feed

Transas awarded Malaysian VTMS contracts - Port Technology International - Port Technology International

Port Technology International

Transas awarded Malaysian VTMS contracts - Port Technology International

Port Technology International

In partnership with KASI Malaysia, Transas will install systems in the Port of Tawau and the Kimanis Bay Terminal. Scope of supply includes the Transas Navi-Harbour VTS software package, two 19-foot radars, two Transas AIS Base Station T214s, two ...

OnePapar Feed

750 fishermen affected by SOGT to be compensated soon - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | 11:49 PM

750 fishermen affected by SOGT to be compensated soon

Daily Express

Papar: The long-awaited compensation for some 750 coastal fishermen here including from Bongawan and Kuala Penyu, affected by the mega Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) project in Kimanis, will be resolved this year. Regional Association ...

OnePapar Feed

Sabah: BN fortress turned swing state? - Malaysia Chronicle - Malaysia Chronicle

Sabah: BN fortress turned swing state? - Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia Chronicle

And he repeated the message at each of his campaign stops in Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Penyu, and Bongawan before Keningau. On February 12, 200 Sulu gunmen landed on Sabah's eastern shore to press ancestral claims on parts of the state. The 10-week ...

OnePapar Feed

Sabah: BN fortress turned swing state? - The Malaysian Insider

Sabah: BN fortress turned swing state?

The Malaysian Insider

And he repeated the message at each of his campaign stops in Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Penyu, and Bongawan before Keningau. On February 12, 200 Sulu gunmen landed on Sabah's eastern shore to press ancestral claims on parts of the state. The 10-week ...

OnePapar Feed

Women to the fore - The Star Online - The Star Online

Women to the fore - The Star Online

The Star Online

FORMER deputy Health Minister and Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin is one of the veteran female candidates contesting in the May 5 polls. The lawyer and mother of six will be defending her parliamentary seat in Papar, Sabah, and she ...

OnePapar Feed

Transas Takes Malaysian Orders forTraffic Management Systems - MarineLink

Transas Takes Malaysian Orders forTraffic Management Systems


Transas Marine Pacific, in cooperation with its partner KASI Malaysia Sdn Bhd, was awarded two contracts for installation of Vessel Traffic Management Systems in Tawau Port and Kimanis Bay Terminal. With these orders Transas continues its growth in the ...

OnePapar Feed

Lahad Datu incursion is Sabah BN campaign fodder - Malaysia Kini

Malaysia Kini

Lahad Datu incursion is Sabah BN campaign fodder

Malaysia Kini

NONE In just about every speech delivered in Kuala Penyu, Bongawan, Kota Kinabalu and Keningau yesterday and today, Najib and Sabah BN chief Musa Aman (left) have emphasised the federal action taken as proof of strong support for Sabah. "The fallen ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 | 9:51 PM

"Sabah tetap simpanan tetap BN, kalau kita simpan simpanan tetap (wang)dalam bank sekali sekala kita kena tengok juga. "Semalam, saya pergi banyak tempat di Kuala Penyu, Beaufort, KimanisBongawan dan saya tak dapat sampai ke Kota Belud tetapi saya diberitahu 10,000orang menanti saya di Kota Belud. "Hari ini saya di Tenom dan saya diberitahu simpanan tetap kita masihkukuh," katanya pada majlis ...

OnePapar Feed

Rakyat mahu penjelasan - PM

KIMANIS 23 April - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak membidas pimpinan parti pembangkang yang sehingga kini masih belum menjelaskan kepada rakyat negara ini terutamanya di Sabah rasional pertemuan dan perbincangan...

OnePapar Feed


BONGAWAN, 23 April (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata pilihanraya umum ke-13 bukan sebarang pilihan raya kerana ia akan menentukan destininegeri Sabah dan Malaysia pada keseluruhannya.Oleh itu, perdana menteri yang juga pengerusi Barisan Nasional (BN) mengajakrakyat negeri ini untuk memberi kemenangan besar kepada BN pada pilihan raya 5Mei ini, sekali gus memastikan wujudnya ...

OnePapar Feed


BONGAWAN, 23 April (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata keputusanrakyat Sabah menyertai Persekutuan Malaysia, yang merintis jalan mencapaikemerdekaan pada 16 Sept 1963, adalah tepat dan kini rakyat Sabah boleh melihatperubahan besar yang berlaku di negeri ini.Perdana menteri berkata kejayaan itu tidak boleh dinafikan oleh sesiapaterutama dalam dua perkara penting iaitu keselamatan dan ...

OnePapar Feed


Najib berkata kerajaan pusat juga akan memastikan peruntukan pembangunanuntuk negeri Sabah akan melebihi jumlah bayaran hasil royalti minyak yangditerima negeri ini."Apabila siap projek terminal minyak dan gas di Kimanis yang akan menjaditelaga pengeluar minyak, hasil minyak di Sabah akan bertambah...dan kerajaanpusat beri balik kepada rakyat Sabah dan lebih besar daripada 20 peratus ...

OnePapar Feed

Be like me, Karim tells candidates who were dropped - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Monday, April 22, 2013 | 11:48 PM

Be like me, Karim tells candidates who were dropped

Daily Express

Karim, who is also Kimanis Umno Deputy Chief, said such moves clearly showed their immature political struggle as they are willing to set aside the interest of the party and the people, just because they were not chosen as BN candidates. He said the ...

OnePapar Feed


PAPAR, 23 April (Bernama) -- Pelbagai inisiatif termasuk elaun sara hidupbulanan yang diberi kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) kepada nelayan dilihatmenjadi penambat yang mengikat sokongan golongan itu kepada calon BN di sini.Beberapa nelayan di sini yang ditemui Bernama menyifatkan kerajaan BN dibawah pimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak benar-benar ikhlas memperjuangkannasib rakyat."Kerajaan BN ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Sunday, April 21, 2013 | 1:10 AM

PAPAR, 21 April (Bernama) -- Pergerakan Puteri Umno membidas tindakan pihaktidak bertanggungjawab yang menggunakan khidmat kanak-kanak di bawah umur untukberkempen semasa musim pilihan raya ini. Ketua pergerakan itu, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin berkata pendekatanitu dilihat sebagai mengeksploitasi kanak-kanak untuk tujuan yang tidakbersesuaian dengan usia mereka.Perbuatan itu juga, katanya ...

OnePapar Feed

Anifah cool about 4-way battle - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Saturday, April 20, 2013 | 8:40 PM

Anifah cool about 4-way battle

Daily Express

Also in the fray is Joseph Lusin Balangon from Kg Mook, Kinarut, contesting on a Star ticket. But Anifah, the caretaker Foreign Minister, is cool about the four-cornered fight he is facing this time, saying it bodes well for democracy. "Our country has ...

OnePapar Feed


PENCALONAN/NOMINATION - SABAHN21: KAWANG: SABAH: 19,9011. Kefli @ Dzulkefli Bin Safar (PKR)2. Edward Dagul (SAPP)3. Akop Bin Damsah @ Yakup Bin Damsah (STAR)4. Datuk Gulamhaidar @ Yusof Bin Khan Bahadar (BN)(2008: DATUK GULAMHAIDAR @ YUSOF BIN KHAN BAHADAR: BN: Maj: 6,066)-- BERNAMANT XSIT

OnePapar Feed


PENCALONAN/NOMINATION - SABAHN23: BONGAWAN: SABAH: 14,8511. Awang Talip Bin Awang Bagul (SAPP)2. Mohamad Bin Alamin (BN)3. Tan Sri Ibrahim Bin Menudin (PKR)4. Assim @ Hassim Bin Matali (STAR)5. AK Aliuddin Bin Pg Mohd Tahir (Bebas)(2008: DATUK KARIM BIN BUJANG: BN: Maj: 5,730)-- BERNAMANT XSIT

OnePapar Feed


PENCALONAN/NOMINATION-SABAH P176: KIMANIS: SABAH: 26,628 1. Lusin Bin Balangon (STAR) 2. Jamil Bin William Core (SAPP) 3. Datuk Anifah Bin Aman @ Haniff Amman (BN) 4. Jaafar Bin Ismail (PKR) (2008: DATUK ANIFAH BIN AMAN @ HANIFF AMMAN : BN : Maj: 5,453)-- BERNAMANT XSIT

OnePapar Feed


PENCALONAN/NOMINATION - SABAH P175: PAPAR: SABAH: 38,771 1. Balon Bin Mujim (STAR) 2. Mohammad Yahya @ Yahya Bin Lampong (PKR) 3. Datuk Rosnah Binti Hj Abd Rashid Shirlin (BN) (2008: DATUK ROSNAH HJ ABD RASHID SHIRLIN: BN: Maj: 9,574)-- BERNAMANT XSIT

OnePapar Feed

GE13: Clash in Labuan between UMNO, PKR and PAS - The Star Online

Written By 1papar on Friday, April 19, 2013 | 10:40 PM

GE13: Clash in Labuan between UMNO, PKR and PAS

The Star Online

We cannot withdraw since we already filed our nomination papers and if we withdraw we will lose our deposit,'' said Ibrahim, who is also contesting the Bongowan state seat under the Kimanis parliamentary constituency in Sabah. Hadnan left the ...

OnePapar Feed

'Petronas boss should quit over failure to manage Sabah's oil and gas resources' - Daily Express

Written By 1papar on Monday, April 15, 2013 | 11:48 PM

'Petronas boss should quit over failure to manage Sabah's oil and gas resources'

Daily Express

This year, he said, there are five mega projects progressing in Kimanis and Sipitang and based on the available information these involve distribution of contracts to the tune of RM45billion but "the people in Sabah only have direct benefits of less ...

OnePapar Feed

Sabah contractors demand changes in Petronas - The Borneo Post

Sabah contractors demand changes in Petronas

The Borneo Post

He said the decision to pipe gas from Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis to the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) complex in Bintulu, Sarawak had not gone well as Sabahans felt they had been deprived of a highly lucrative project and its spin-offs.

OnePapar Feed

'Sweet beach' of Papar sweet news for BN - Free Malaysia Today

'Sweet beach' of Papar sweet news for BN

Free Malaysia Today

A random survey in Papar has indicated that people are more comfortable with the BN. KOTA KINABALU: Pantai Manis, which means “sweet beach”, is a popular seaside haunt in Papar, a 45-minute drive from here. It is also a photographer's paradise, ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Sunday, April 14, 2013 | 9:48 PM

KOTA KINABALU, 15 April (Bernama) -- Pantai Manis yang merupakan destinasitepi pantai popular di Papar dan boleh dikunjungi kira-kira 45 minit perjalananberkereta dari sini, menjadi lokasi kegemaran jurugambar untuk merakam keindahanalam di kala mentari terbenam.Sejak tiga tahun lepas, daerah Papar yang merangkumi Pantai Manis, menjadi venue pesta gambus peringkat negeri, mengetengahkan ...

OnePapar Feed

PAS firm on decision to stand in Labuan - The Borneo Post

PAS firm on decision to stand in Labuan

The Borneo Post

Despite the announcement made by PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last Friday at Kawang, Papar to put a PKR candidate in Labuan, PAS Labuan said they would not change their decision as the seat by tradition belongs to PAS. PAS Labuan ...

OnePapar Feed

Police seek information on murder victim at Jalan Papar Lama - New Straits Times

New Straits Times

Police seek information on murder victim at Jalan Papar Lama

New Straits Times

PENAMPANG: Despite stab wounds all over his body, a man believed to be in his 30s managed to flag down a passing vehicle for help, along Jalan Maang at Jalan Papar Lama at about 12.30pm, yesterday. However, the victim succumbed to his injuries at ...

OnePapar Feed

Couple die in motorcycle accident - New Straits Times

Couple die in motorcycle accident

New Straits Times

KOTA KINABALU: An engaged couple were killed when the motorcycle they were riding was hit by a four-wheel-drive vehicle at kilometre 9, Beaufort-Papar road here last night. In the 7.15pm incident, Mohd Faizuan Jaafar, 22, and Norbaizurah Jasmin, 19, ...

OnePapar Feed


KOTA KINABALU, 14 April (Bernama) -- Pasangan tunang maut dalam satukemalangan apabila motosikal yang mereka tunggangi dilanggar sebuah keretadi kilometer 9, Jalan Beaufort-Papar di sini, malam tadi.Dalam kejadian pukul 7.15 petang itu, kedua-dua mangsa Mohd Faizuan Jaafar,22, dan Norbaizurah Jasmin, 19, meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian akibatkecederaan parah.Ketua Polis Daerah Beaufort DSP ...

OnePapar Feed

Seeking votes, Anwar blames Sabah poverty on Umno greed - The Malaysian Insider

Written By 1papar on Friday, April 12, 2013 | 6:40 PM

The Malaysian Insider

Seeking votes, Anwar blames Sabah poverty on Umno greed

The Malaysian Insider

At two rallies in the villages of Papar and Kota Belud for the May 5 general election, the opposition leader railed against Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders for allegedly enriching themselves on Sabah's oil and timber. “We are furious at Umno's leadership.

OnePapar Feed

Desak PAS siasat video lucah

Ayer Hitam: PAS didesak menubuhkan jawatankuasa khas bagi menyiasat seorang pemimpinnya yang dikaitkan sebagai individu dalam gambar serta video lucah yang dipaparkan beberapa blog serta dalam bentuk cakera padat video (VCD).

OnePapar Feed

Polis Siasat Cakera Padat Lucah Kaitkan Pemimpin Politik

KUALA LUMPUR: Polis dijangka bekerjasama dengan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) berhubung dakwaan cakera video digital (DVD) dan gambar lucah yang dikaitkan dengan pemimpin politik di Terengganu kerana bahan itu turut dipaparkan di laman sosial.

OnePapar Feed

What It Do: Brooklyn Burning Part II: Kimani's Blackness - Aquarian Weekly

Written By 1papar on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | 11:49 AM

What It Do: Brooklyn Burning Part II: Kimani's Blackness

Aquarian Weekly

In a recent column discussing the tragic death of Kimani Gray, the teenager gunned down by plainclothes NYPD officers, I left one important aspect of the story untouched: the fact that Kimani Gray was a young black male. The omission was intentional, ...

OnePapar Feed

What It Do: Burning Brooklyn Part II: Kimani's Blackness - Aquarian Weekly

What It Do: Burning Brooklyn Part II: Kimani's Blackness

Aquarian Weekly

In a recent column discussing the tragic death of Kimani Gray, the teenager gunned down by plainclothes NYPD officers, I left one important aspect of the story untouched: the fact that Kimani Gray was a young black male. The omission was intentional, ...

OnePapar Feed

6000 policemen to be deployed in Sabah during GE13 - Sin Chew Jit Poh

Written By 1papar on Monday, April 8, 2013 | 9:48 PM

6000 policemen to be deployed in Sabah during GE13

Sin Chew Jit Poh

Meanwhile, in a minor police reshuffle in Sabah, Noor Azam said Tuaran district police chief Supt Zaharudin Rashit will be the acting Tumpat district police chief in Kelantan while Deputy Supt Abdul Fuad Abdul Malik who was assigned in Papar will take ...

OnePapar Feed


Written By 1papar on Saturday, April 6, 2013 | 4:55 AM

KOTA KINABALU, 6 April (Bernama) -- Petronas menghulurkan sumbanganberjumlah RM12,000 kepada mangsa kebakaran di Kampung Brunei, Membakut padaFebruari lepas.Sumbangan itu disampaikan penyandang Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri MembakutDatuk Mohd Ariffin Arif pada satu majlis di kampus sementara Pusat LatihanPetroleum Kimanis di Membakut Jaya hari ini.Pengurus Besar Pejabat Petronas Wilayah Sabah ...

OnePapar Feed

Fishing around: Angling for return to sea - Capecodonline

Written By 1papar on Thursday, April 4, 2013 | 5:10 AM

Fishing around: Angling for return to sea


There goes the neighborhood! The papar felt crowded out and they returned to their curraghs, their boats. These were little more than cow hides stretched over wicker frames, yet in them they braved the violent North Sea between Iceland and Greenland.

OnePapar Feed

'Proposal to recall, reissue new MyKads proper and practical' - The Borneo Post

Written By 1papar on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 | 5:10 PM

'Proposal to recall, reissue new MyKads proper and practical'

The Borneo Post

PAPAR: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) information chief Datuk Johnny Mositun said the proposal to recall and reissue new identity cards or MyKads to those suspected to have been issued with such documents under dubious circumstances was only proper and ...

OnePapar Feed

Cardiff adventure for 32 - New Straits Times

Written By 1papar on Monday, April 1, 2013 | 5:25 PM

Cardiff adventure for 32

New Straits Times

Among those selected for the Cardiff City foray is Nor Danisya Azreena, a 12-year-old girl from Papar, a town about 38km south of Kota Kinabalu. Nor Danisya's chances of impressing selectors in the session of which she was registered, was almost ruined ...

OnePapar Feed

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